Menifee | Area (15 miles) | |
Population | 119,127 | 821,741 |
Forecasted 2026 Population Growth | 126,872 | 885,214 |
Number of Households | 40,941 | 41,136 |
Airports | 0 | 6 |
Commercial Shopping Centers | 18 |
Nationally Recognized Hotels Total Rooms | 2 158 |
Owner Occupied Homes
Family Housing
Menifee |
Area (20 miles) | |
Owner Occupied Homes | 75.2% | 63% |
Family Housing | 70% | 77% |
Non-Family Housing | 30% | 23% |
Some College or Higher
High School Diploma or Higher
Menifee |
Area (20 miles) | |
Some College or Higher | 61% | 55.8% |
High School Diploma or Higher | 88% | 88% |
Total Public K-12 Schools | 24 |
Preschools | 1 |
Elementary Schools | 16 |
Middle Schools | 6 |
Innovation Academy | 1 |
High Schools | 3 |
Charter Schools | 2 |
Private Schools | 1 |
Major Colleges & Universities | ||
UC Riverside | Graduate Students Undergraduate Students | 2,931 18,603 |
Cal State San Marcos | Graduate Students Undergraduate Students | 13,316 349 |
Cal Baptist University | Total Students | 8,541 |
Mt. San Jacinto College | Total Students | 26,644 |
Loma Linda University Medical Center | Total Students | 4,451 |
University of Massachusetts Global | Total Students | 7,812 |
Bellevue University | Total Students | 8,655 |
Grand Canyon University | Total Students | 83,284 |
Total Area Student Population | 174,586 |
Menifee is a new community catering to young families that are searching for closer options in retail and recreation. Join our growing city!
Movie Theaters (within 20 miles) Number of Screens (within 20 miles) | 5 60 |
Number of Karaoke Bars | 2 |
Acres of Park Facilities | 260 |
Hiking Trails in Menifee | 6 |
Nearby Hiking Trails | 23 |
Menifee Lakes Country Club
Menifee Lakes Country Club
Sun City Library
Sun City Library
Menifee Library
Menifee Library
Kay Ceniceros Senior Center
Kay Ceniceros Senior Center
The Orchard
The Orchard
Mason Jar Brewing Co.
Mason Jar Brewing Co.
March Field Air Museum
March Field Air Museum
Menifee Valley Historical Museum
Menifee Valley Historical Museum
Menifee |
Area (20 miles) | |
Median Age (years) | 36.0 | 33.2 |
Average Household Income | $109,395 | $82,555 |
Households Earning More Than $75,000 | 21,402 56.8% | 280,239 42.12% |
Average Household Size | 3.79 | 3.46 |
Workforce Size | 99,285 | 1,098,740 |
White Collar Workers | 42,896 59.0% | 508,199 52.6% |
Average Commute Time (minutes) | 36 | 35 |
Cars Per Household | 2.1 | 2.1 |