Access to Markets, Suppliers & Customers
Southwest Riverside County's fastest growing city is your best resource for undeveloped land. The City of Menifee offers several features that make it an ideal location for industry. Centrally located in the booming Southwest Riverside County, Menifee is conveniently located next to the Counties of Orange, San Diego and Los Angeles.
Close proximity to active freight railways, ports, major airports and served by well connected transportation arteries, Menifee makes logistics easy and convenient.
Always Expanding
Highway 74 / Ethanac Expressway
This proposed project would provide a new east-west, interregional route to serve southwestern Riverside County. the design is compatible with the standards of local jurisdictions and the future land uses for these areas. The Corridor Vision may include recommendations for number of lanes, intersection spacing, bicycle lanes and routes, bus stop routes and stops, future public transit routes, pedestrian uses, and multi-trail uses.
Capital Improvement Program
Moving the City of Menifee’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP) forward is a main priority for the City Council. The City of Menifee’s 5-year CIP is a commitment by the City Council aimed at improving Menifee's traffic circulation, infrastructure, parks and facility needs.
Getting You Business Open for
Operation is Our Priority
Downtime is lost time. That’s why Menifee makes the growing industrial sector within the City a priority. Count on a number of processes and programs already in place that will make permitting, construction and opening for business a clear process.